MESQUITE BAR-B-QDustin & Melanie Palmer, Owners145 E. Davis St., Mesquite, TX972-285-6573
Whole Meat Options(Feeds 3 adults per pound)Whole Turkey (seasonal)12 - 14 Pounds (before cooking) Feeds 8 - 10 PeopleWhole Brisket (untrimmed)$13.99 per poundWhole Turkey Breast$61.99½ Turkey Breast$32.99Whole Ham$95.99 per pound½ Ham$49.99 per poundWhole Chicken Breast$8.99 per poundMeats may be cold when picked up. SAUCE NOT INCLUDED. ITEMS NEVER SLICED. DOES NOT INCLUDE RELISH BAR ITEMS. Prices subject to change.
Small$36.99(Feeds 2-3 People)1 Pound Meat w/sauce (ALL BEEF $36.99)2 Pint Sides(Choose from our list of sides)4 Buns or Texas Slice Bread(If you get all beef it is $1.00 Extra)Medium$70.99(Feeds 4--6 People)2 Pounds Meat w/sauce (ALL BEEF $66.99)2 Quart Sides(Choose from our list of sides)8 Buns or Texas Slice Bread(If you get all beef it is $2.00 Extra)Large$105.99(Feeds 7-10 People)3 Pounds Meat w/sauce (ALL BEEF $90.99)3 Quart Sides(Choose from our list of sides)1 Package Buns or Texas Slice Bread (+$4.00 Toasted)(If you get all beef it is $3.00 Extra)
CUSTOM SMOKED MEATS$35 (add $5 for seasoning)Ticket go on sale Saturday November 4, 202335 Slots Available Monday& 35 Slots Available TuesdayTHINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW1.Please bring ‘em fully thawed. Only 1 per person.2.We only take Briskets, Ham, Whole Turkeys, Pork Shoulder.3.PLEASE pick’em up the following business day after dropping ‘em off OR AS INSTRUCTION.4.Space is in high demand so bring ‘em on your scheduled pick up date.5.Payment is due at time of ticket purchase.6.Remember to bring your ticket when picking up.7.BBQ sauce and relish bar are not included. ($5 Fee added to any items left past pick up day.LAST DAY WE’LL ACCEPT ‘EM FOR THANKSGIVINGTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2023
GOODIES FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING FEASTHoliday Sides Available Pre-order onlyMashed Potatoes(Cream Cheese Mashed Potatoes with Butter and Topped with Chives)$15.99 per quartCornbread Dressing(Honey Sweet Cornbread Dressing with Bacon)$15.99 per quartGravy Packet(Powdered)Turkey & Brown AvailableWhite Cobbler$22.99Whole Pecan Pie or Pumpkin$18.99Whole Cake$26.99(Two Round Split)Whole Cake$18.99(One Round Split)
CUSTOM SMOKED MEATS$35 (add $5 for seasoning)Ticket go on sale Saturday December 2, 2023@ 10:45am - till sold out.We’ll Smoke’em on Our Pit for You!!THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW1.Please bring ‘em fully thawed. Only 1 per person.2.We only take Briskets, Ham, Whole Turkeys, Pork Shoulder.3.PLEASE pick’em up the following business day after dropping ‘em off OR AS INSTRUCTION.4.Space is in high demand so bring ‘em on Thursday or Friday by 11:15am to insure you’ll have yours cooked for Christmas!5.Payment is due at time of ticket is purchased.6.This option does not include sauce or relish bar items.7.Items are not sliced, they are left whole.8.Bring your ticket when you pick up your meals.9.Meats will be cooled when picked up. ALL SALES ARE FINAL.LAST DAY WE’LL ACCEPT ‘EM FOR CHRISTMASFRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2023
145 E. Davis StreetMesquite, TX972-285-6573
HOLIDAY SIDES & CUSTOM COOKINGHoliday Sides(will be cold when picked up)Mashed Potatoes(Cream Cheese Mashed Potatoes with Butter and Topped with Chives)$15.99 per quartCornbread Dressing(Honey Sweet Cornbread Dressing with Bacon)$15.99 per quartGravy Packet(Powdered)Turkey & Brown AvailableWhite Cobbler$22.99Whole Pecan Pie or Pumpkin$18.99Whole Cake$26.99(Two Round Split)Whole Cake$18.99(One Round Split)
FAMILY PACKSOn all Family Packs, you can choose more than one type of meat as well as sides. (No Ribs) (Plates & eating utensils are not Included). Nothing fancy just the food folks. Meats are wrapped in butcher paper and veggies to go and breads are not toasted. Toasted items are an additional fee.Small$36.99(Feeds 2-3 People)1 Pound Meat w/sauce (ALL BEEF $36.99)2 Pint Sides(Choose from our list of sides)4 Buns or Texas Slice Bread(If you get all beef it is $1.00 Extra)Medium$70.99(Feeds 4--6 People)2 Pounds Meat w/sauce (ALL BEEF $66.99)2 Quart Sides(Choose from our list of sides)8 Buns or Texas Slice Bread(If you get all beef it is $2.00 Extra)Large$105.99(Feeds 7-10 People)3 Pounds Meat w/sauce (ALL BEEF $90.99)3 Quart Sides(Choose from our list of sides)1 Package Buns or Texas Slice Bread (+$4.00 Toasted)(If you get all beef it is $3.00 Extra)
BY THE POUND(4 oz. BBQ Sauce Included(Sliced or Sliced Chopped)Beef26.99 per lb.(Turkey Breast, Ham, Pulled Pork, Sausage, Hot Links, Chicken Breast)21.99 per lb.PORK SPARE RIBS21.99 per lb."Chop Chop"14.99 per lb.Classic heavily smoked ends, ground up smoked a second time, then simmered in our own BBQ Sauce. VERY SMOKY!
HOLIDAY SIDES & CUSTOM COOKINGHoliday Sides(will be cold when picked up)Mashed Potatoes(Cream Cheese Mashed Potatoes with Butter and Topped with Chives)$15.99 per quartCornbread Dressing(Honey Sweet Cornbread Dressing with Bacon)$15.99 per quartGravy Packet(Powdered)Turkey & Brown AvailableWhite Cobbler$22.99Whole Pecan Pie or Pumpkin$18.99Whole Cake$26.99(Two Round Split)Whole Cake$18.99(One Round Split)